Sunday, December 2, 2012

my husband has a vitamin b 12 deficiency and he abuses oxycontin, how does this all effect his system?

Q. my husband has a vitamin b 12 deficiency, he receives injections weekly but he also abuses marijuana and a drug called oxycontin. How will all of this affect his system??

A. 1) Oxycontin won't destroy your brain. Wake up.
2) Both these drugs won't really effect his deficiency in a real dangerous way
3) Are you sure he's abusing them, or not just taking them medically.
4) That is all

Is it dangerous for a person to take vitamin B-12 injections?
Q. A friend of my is taking vitamin B-12 injections for stress management. Is this a health risk?

A. It is only advisable to take B12 injections if you are deficient in this vitamin. Deficiency in B12 can make you very sick. Has she/he had a blood test?

How long does it take Vitamin B-12 to be absorbed into my system?
Q. After research as to my lack of energy lately, I came across a few people who suggested taking Vitamin B-12 as it is responsible for energy metabolisim and I may be deficient. After reading some blogs and the packaging on the actual vitamins I decided to go with the sublingul (under the tongue) form as it is abosrbed into my system faster. I am taking the reccommended dosage once a day and It is working beautifuly although I'm wondering if I am feeling energy when I do because the Vitamin kicks in or if it's a placibo effect. Does anybody know how long it takes to be absorbed...minutes...hours...your response is much appreciated.

A. Physiology of Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion

Following ingestion, absorption of thiamin occurs mainly in the jejunum, at lower concentrations as an active, carrier-mediated system involving phosphorylation and at higher concentrations by passive diffusion. Thiamin is transported in blood both in erythrocytes and plasma.

Only a small percentage of a high dose of thiamin is absorbed, and elevated serum values result in active urinary excretion of the vitamin (Davis et al., 1984). After an oral dose of thiamin, peak excretion occurs in about 2 hours, and excretion is nearly complete after 4 hours (Levy and Hewitt, 1971; Morrison and Campbell, 1960). In a study by Davis and colleagues (1984), a 10-mg oral dose of thiamin was given in water, and the mean serum thiamin peaked at 24 nmol/L (7.2 µg/L) �42 percent above baseline. Within 6 hours the serum thiamin concentration had returned to baseline, 17 nmol/L (5.2 µg/L). Prompt urinary excretion of thiamin was also reported by Najjar and Holt (1940) and McAlpine and Hills (1941).

With higher pharmacological levels, namely repetitive 250-mg amounts taken orally and 500 mg given intramuscularly, nearly 1 week was required for steady state plasma concentrations to be reached; a mean elimination half-life of 1.8 days was estimated (Royer-Morrot et al., 1992).

Total thiamin content of the adult human has been estimated to be approximately 30 mg, and the biological half-life of the vitamin is probably in the range of 9 to 18 days (Ariaey-Nejad et al., 1970).
Clinical Effects of Inadequate Intake

Early stages of thiamin deficiency may be accompanied by non-specific symptoms that may be overlooked or easily misinterpreted (Lonsdale and Shamberger, 1980). The clinical signs of deficiency include anorexia; weight loss; mental changes such as apathy, decrease in short-term memory, confusion, and irritability; muscle weakness; and cardiovascular effects such as an enlarged heart (Horwitt et al., 1948; Inouye and Katsura, 1965; Platt, 1967; Williams et al., 1942; Wilson, 1983). In wet beriberi, edema occurs; in dry

Can taking a Vitamin B-12 supplement hurt me if I don't have a deficiency?
Q. I was lacking energy so I thought I'd give it a try. Could it potentially hurt me if B-12 deficiency isn't the problem?

A. For the lack of energy try:
B-complex, and Vitamin C with bioflavonoids.

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