Friday, December 14, 2012

How to get rid of a bruise on a vein?

Q. I started volleyball a few days ago, and we've been doing a lot of bumping. On the inside of my wrist, I have a bruise running down the middle from volleyball. It's right on the vein. What can I do to help get rid of it?

A. * Vitamin K. Take Vitamin K or alfalfa in tablets helps blood clotting.

* Vitamin C. Take Vitamin C to prevent bruising by thickening the walls of blood vessels.

* Vitamin E. Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C to repair tissues.

* Zinc. Zinc is helpful in maintaining healthy connective tissue, and a deficiency can lead to bruising. Take 50-100 mg daily. However, don't take doses this high for more than a week or two without medical supervision, as it may interfere with absorption of other important minerals, especially copper.

* Mustard. Make a poultice of mustard and apply to the bruise. It will draw the blood away from the bruise. Combine 2 parts of ground mustard seed with one part set honey and one part finely chopped onion. Apply to the bruised area and cover with a bandage. This will relieve the bruise and swelling.

* Onions. Make a poultice of roasted onions and apply to the bruise.Cut an onion, dip it in apple cider vinegar and rub on the bruise as soon after it occurs as possible to prevent black and blue marks.

* Pepper. Applying black pepper oil to the bruise will also draw the blood away from it.

* Vinegar. Make a compress and soak it in vinegar to alleviate the bruise and swelling. Avoid getting it in the eyes.

* Cayenne pepper & Vaseline. Chinese people use a mixture of 1 part cayenne pepper and 5 parts melted Vaseline, mix and cool, apply once a day.

* Confrey root or Buchu. Make a tea with confrey root or buchu. soak a rag in the tea and apply to bruised area, this has been shown to reduce pain and discoloration of the skin.

* Arnica. To alleviate dark, swollen bruises, apply a gel containing arnica every three hours to encourage healing. Or, apply a tincture or cream to the affected area. Arnica traditionally has been used for muscle aches, sprains and bruises. The gel should improve the swelling, stiffness and discoloration. Some people have a reaction to arnica, so if your skin becomes red, itchy or inflamed, discontinue use.

* Parsley. Parsley is another herb which has abundant supply of vitamins and works as a therapeutic treatment for the wound. Apply crushed parsley on the bruised area. Keep doing this till the blue or black marks disappear forever.

* Witch Hazel. Having a soothing bath with Witch Hazel helps in circulation of the blood and in the healing process. The astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic attribute just makes it a great home remedy.

* Cabbage. Cabbage contains anti-inflammatory properties which applied in emaciated form on bruises or swelling can help the healing procedure. -Arnica works great for bruises or sprains. It has wonderful and useful properties to provide healing touch to your wounds. Use few drops of arnica tincture in a cup of water, soak a clean cloth and apply this cloth for bandaging.

* St. Johns Wort - St. Johns Wort is known to have done wonders for bruises. The anti-bacterial and astringent properties make it apt for treating them. -Add few drops of St. John Wort tincture to an organic oil or cream and apply it on the bruised area. The skin would absorb the tincture which would help the healing process.

I wanna know if there is any treatments for the inherited black circles around the eye.?
Q. I hate using make up and I hope if there is anyway to make these circles go a way,can any bleaching creams help me?I heared about such creams and I wanna know if they will help me even if that was a temporary treatment.
And is there is any surgery for the skin under the eyes as a teatment for the darck circles?

A. Tru Karma seems a bit too hasty... I don't think she even knows what Iron deficiency is. When you get Iron deficiency you'll exemplify a bluish tint under your eyes, not dark black circles. Black circles under the eyes can be inherited...

Anyways... Here are some treatments that I found. I wouldn't recommend cream. Foreign goop is never good to apply to your skin, which is so delicate and absorbent.

1. Be sure to drink enough water. Hydration Calculator: How much water do you need?

2. Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 under the eyes to prevent skin weakening caused by sun damage.

3. Get plenty of rest.

4. Apply plain cool teabags over closed eyes. Don�t use herbal teabags, because most aren't as effective.

5. Apply cool cucumber slices over closed eyes for 15 minutes.

6. Be careful not to consume too much dietary salt. Start by learning about sources of sodium in the diet.

7. Apply vitamin K cream. Although studies haven't looked at the use of topical vitamin K for dark circles under the eyes, preliminary studies have found that vitamin K may help with bruising.

8. Vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessel walls.

9. The dietary supplements grape seed extract and pycnogenol contain antioxidant pigments that may help to strengthen blood vessels. They should be used under medical supervision by people on "blood-thinning" drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) and aspirin.

Certain foods, such as cranberries, blueberries, bilberries, tea (green and black), black currant, onions, legumes, and parsley also contain these antioxidant pigments.

10. Eat kidney-balancing foods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a bluish cast under the eyes are due to an imbalance in kidney energy.

How can I take off the dark circles under my eyes?
Q. It's not because lack of sleep, I've just always had them & they're so ugly. I'm 16/female.
Besides makeup.

A. Causes of dark circles include...

Lack of sleep, illness, various diseases, kidney or liver problems, malnutrition, nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin C, vitamin K, anaemia - iron, vitamin B12- , genetics, dehydration, stress, allergies eg: hayfever, pollen, dust, dairy, wheat and yeast-, asthma, sinus or nasal congestion, eczema, bone structure, fair skin, pregnancy, menstruation, high blood pressure (deficiency of magnesium, calcium and potassium can lead to high blood pressure), sun exposure, increased fluid retention (dietary salt and smoking are common causes), medications, extreme weight loss, excess alcohol, too much caffeine, lack of exercise, smoking, age.

Treatments: Treat underlying conditions/deficiencies, concealer, laser treatment.

Whats the best eye cream for wrinkles and black circles?
Q. i'm only 20 and my eyes are this way because of the make-up and so, should i even start using the wrinkles cream now?
a treatment that i can find in supermarkets also.. or pharmacies?

A. Vitamin K cream or FADE OUT from Boots is great for Dark Circles, I don't think you need to start using wrinkle cream, you just need to moisturise. Premature ageing can be accelerated by omega 3 deficiency, smoking, drinking and other health conditions so this is something to consider if you are feeling unwell and are sure you're looking older for your age. Get plenty of sleep and another thing to consider ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO YOUR MAKEUP? Try a different brand for sensitive skin.

Good Luck

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