Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is it in sunlight that is healthy for you ?


A. Hey I'm Charly :)
Sunlight provides Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin which encourages the absorbtion of calcium, which is essential for health. Some people who don't get enough sunlight, or that have medical problems, have to have Vitamin D supplements. But those who get enough sunlight usually dont. Here are some examples of how Vitamin D is essential for the body (which I've gotten from this website which has more information on Vitamin D:
It is crucial for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, which have various functions, especially the maintenance of healthy bones.

It is an immune system regulator.

It may be an important way to arm the immune system against disorders like the common cold, say scientists from the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston.

It may reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is much less common the nearer you get to the tropics, where there is much more sunlight, according to Dennis Bourdette, chairman of the Department of Neurology and director of the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Center at Oregon Health and Science University, USA.

Vitamin D may have a key role in helping the brain to keep working well in later life, according to a study of 3000 European men between the ages of 40 and 79.

Vitamin D is probably linked to maintaining a healthy body weight, according to research carried out at the Medical College of Georgia, USA.

It can reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms, and also the likelihood of hospitalizations due to asthma, researchers from Harvard Medical School found after monitoring 616 children in Costa Rica.

It has been shown to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women.

A form of vitamin D could be one of our body's main protections against damage from low levels of radiation, say radiological experts from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Various studies have shown that people with adequate levels of vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of developing cancer, compared to people with lower levels. Vitamin D deficiency was found to be prevalent in cancer patients regardless of nutritional status, in a study carried out by Cancer Treatment Centers of America.


People often believe too much sunlight can give you skin cancer, but recent research by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute proves that sunlight can actually lower the chances of getting skin cancer, and a few other health problems! A little bit of sunlight every day can also improve your mood by making "happy hormones/endorphines"! Professor Michael Holick of Boston University School of Medicane also reccomends people go out in the sun uncovered for between 5 and 15 minutes a day to improve your health and mood.

There's so much more I can't include, so if you're really interested check out these sites. Sorry it's so long, I've researched this before though :)

Good luck!
Love Charly :)�

Are there any natural treatments for rosacea?

A. Hi Daydreamer

Here is the answer to clear any skin issue.

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D. - "Your skin is a reflection of how well your body is eliminating the toxins that build up on a daily basis. Chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis stem from a combination of genetic factors, immune stress, dietary deficiencies or sensitivities, and the accumulation of toxins in the body. For our skin to be radiant and clear, it is very important that the other organs of elimination (kidneys, liver, lungs, and colon) are cleansing the body effectively. If not, the skin will be overtaxed, pores will become clogged, and eruptions of one sort or another will result. Here are a number of steps you can take to improve your body's overall elimination wtih specific emphasis on your skin."
Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Fasting is the world's most ancient and natural healing mechanism. Fasting triggers a truly wondrous cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body.
Learn more about Therapeutic Fasting and Detoxification - Internal Cleansing

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D. - "Diet and nutritional supplements: Regular consumption of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, in whole form or juiced, along with legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and little or no refined, overprocessed foods, fat, sugar, and caffeine will help your skin to stay young and healthy. Pay attention, particularly in the case of hives and rashes, to any foods to which you may be oversensitive. The nutritional supplements that are most of benefit to the skin are Vitamin A (we recommend it in the form of Beta carotene, which is non-toxic, since prolonged use of over 50,000 I.U. of Vitamin A can result in hair loss, skin dryness, and other symptoms of toxicity), Zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. We suggest these in combination with a mega multi vitamin and mineral containing 25-50 mg of the B vitamins but use higher amount with some skin conditions. Essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acid are necessary to keep the skin soft and pliable. PABA, often found in sun tan products, helps prevent against damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays."
Man's body is a living organism, made of living cells, which require living food in order to be properly nourished and function well. When we put cooked food into our body, loaded with contaminants, the body starts to break down. It begins in the very young with colic, rashes, colds, earaches, upset stomachs, swollen glands and tonsils. As the child grows older, their may be tooth decay, pimples, the need for eye glasses, etc. Then as we enter adult life there is arthritis, hypoglycemia, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancers. All this and a multitude of other diseases are unnecessary and are nothing but the result of improper diet and lifestyle! Today, most people accept cooked food as the normal means of supplying the body with nutrients, not realizing that the living cells of our bodies do not take nourishment from the dead and artificial ingredients found in cooked food. And so, after a typical meal of cooked meat, cooked potatoes, a cooked vegetable and a piece of cooked bread, followed by a cooked sugar desert, their stomach is full and they think they have satisfied the nutritional needs of their body. In reality, they have given their body practically no nourishment. And thus with a full stomach, they are slowly starving their body's cells.
The fastest way to restore wellness is to stop putting into the body the things that have caused the physical problem to develop in the first place, and then give the body the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild itself. The body is self-healing when the infraction is stopped and proper nutrients provided. Learn about the incredible Healing Powers of Living (Raw) Foods and Juices

Best of health to you


My husband won't try to find a job what should I do?
Q. My husband retired from the army last July he won't try to find a job. We have 3 children . We about to lose our car and house. I'm going to school and working a job I hate. Think about finding a night job but when would I sleep. I so depressed and think about killing myself all the time. Taking med but life just sucks. There doesn't seem to be a way out of this hole.

A. he may be depressed transition from the military to civilian life is not easy. In the military they tell you what and when to do everything and they provide housing he maybe over whelmed that he must make all the discussions in his life. Remember to men their job is the most important thing as to define who they are for women its their family. He lost his job so now he is wondering who he is.

google vitamin deficiency and depression

each of you need to start taking vitamin b complex a few times a day and vitamin D (see web for dosage.

stress can cause adrenal issues see Dr Wilson's website "adrenal" both of you should look over the symptoms

studies after studies have proven that exercise is far Superior to anti depressants (do get off of your current meds without your doctors help) so get moving each of you walk after dinner together

see Body For for an exercise plan and meal plan its free.

If his behavior is new figure out what is causing it dont give up. If it is not new then figure out what you need to do to be healthy and happy again.

A lot of government contractor must hire retired military or want to so he should look in this area. Call the base where he retired from and see if they have some type of office that helps place military workers in civilian jobs.

Does hypothyroidism affect muscle growth?
Q. So..does it affect muscle growth when lifting weights? I found out 3 months ago that i am hypothyroid but had symptoms for almost a year and i want to know if instead of focusing on fat loss i should try to build muscle.
P.S:I'm 14 yo male

A. Okay the first link is the womens guide to hypothyroidism lol but don't let that put you's just that more women than men have hypothyroidism. A good link of what hypothyroidism physical symptoms can occur.

MUSCULATURE - "Few things signal aging more than flabby, diminishing muscles. Our muscles are closely tied to the metabolic process, and when it slows, they start to lose their tone and contours. The weight gain we experience at the same time obscures them even more. But again, this goes beyond appearances. Normal activities will become more difficult as the muscles also get tired easily and often feel heavy, and mobility can be impaired by an increased tendency to stumble or experience muscle cramps (Argov et al. 1988)."

The Women's Guide to Thyroid Health: Understanding Symptoms of Hypothyroidism >>>

Hypothyroidism also is linked to many deficiency states which affect muscle strength. Magnesium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D will all cause weak muscles and are very common deficiency states with hypothyroidism. Treatment from your average doctor is T4 only synthetic medication which leaves many with lingering hypothyroidism symptoms. A lot of info on the links....

T4 only meds don't work >>>

Recommended lab work >>>

Thyroid disease and treatment options >>>

What affects conversion of T4 to T3 >>>

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