Saturday, March 9, 2013

What level should vitamin B12 be and when is there a deficiency?

Q. I was called in by my doctor today who said I have a vitamin b-12 deficiency that could be causing the numbness in my hands/legs. I am just wondering what the normal level should be, mine was 170.

A. Most places set up their own reference numbers but normally the ranges of B12 are 160-950 pg/ml which are the numbers given by Mosby's manual Of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, third edition. Also in Clinical Chemistry Principles, Procedures, Correlations, fifth edition they give the reference range of 110-800 pg/ml. So as you can see even the clinical books vary on there numbers. I would just ask your doctor what range he or she are using to decide you deficiency.

Are Cold hands and feet linked to Vitamin B Deficiency?
Q. I had my blood taken because my hands and feet are always cold, and my doctor says that I lacked glutamate, antioxidants and severely lack Vitamin B. Can the my deficiency of Vitamin B be the cause because my doctor says it is so I'm taking B supplements with Multivitamins and a Vitamin B shot every week. So could it really be the cause because I don't get how Vitamin B is linked to cold hands and feet. I feel depressed at the randomest times also.


Is pregnancy the only reason for breast growth and soreness?
Q. For about a week or 2 my breasts have been very sore. It seems like they grew overnight. I have been looking online for reasons and noticed that pregnancy and vitamin b deficiency often came up.

A. birth control or before your period

what causes gray hair and how to slow it down?
Q. in my early 20's i began to go gray. I read that vitamin B deficiency can cause this, and once i began making sure i had enough vitamin B, and in particular cut back on alcohol, the graying process stopped. For 5 or so years i have not become any more gray, but now i notice it is starting again, this time chest hair too. Whilst not trying to fight nature, can anyone tell me what helps hinder the process of going gray, while i'm still mostly not.

A. A person's hair turns gray due to the deterioration of melanin in the follicle of the hair. As you get older melanin starts to die off resulting in white, gray and salt and pepper colored hair. Look here for more information:

Hair grows in stages, with a certain percentage of hair either growing or resting at any one time. The hair follicles -- the little bags under the skin where hair is formed out of skin -- also contain pigment called melanin.

When the body stops producing pigments, the hair becomes colorless, turning white. Mixed with darker hair, this produces a look most commonly associated with "gray." An actual gray hair may be a result of pigment dilution.

Why Start This Early?
"Premature graying is genetically determined for the most part," David Bank, MD, tells WebMD. Bank is director of the Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic, and Laser Surgery in Mount Kisco, N.Y. "Graying is natural. We all do it eventually."

When more than half the hair is white by age 40, though, this is considered "premature."

Premature graying has been associated with certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, vitiligo, vitamin B12 deficiency, and anemia. Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition in which the cells that make pigment (melanocytes) are destroyed, resulting in patches of hair and skin that become white.

There may also be a link with decreased bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, which is a risk factor for osteoporosis. In a study of 293 healthy postmenopausal women, those who had experienced premature graying of a majority of their hair by age 40 had decreased bone densitythroughout their bones compared with comparable women who did not have premature graying

Basically, people who stop plucking have no choice but the dye bottle -- or the bold grab for "distinguished.

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