Thursday, March 14, 2013

How long do I have to take vitamin b12 supplements to start feeling good?

Q. I just found out that I have a vitamin b12 deficiency and I just started taking the vitamins once a day. How soon will I start to feel better? Thanks to all answers!!!!!

A. OK- if you are taking cyanocobalamin, don't expect much. Cyanocobalamin is INERT. The active vitamin is Hydroxocobalamin. When you get a shot of B12, ,about 10% of the cyanocobalamin in the liquid is hydrolyzed to hydroxocobalamin, which is why the shots work. If you are not a vegan, then you cannot absorb B12 from your stomach. Taking pills you swallow is worthless. There is a sublingual Hydroxocobalamin on the market now. Studies have shown it to be 3 times more effective than the shot. If your drugstore does not have it, it is sold on Amazon. Remember - let the pill dissolve under your tongue ! It is absorbed by the oral mucosa. If you have a proven deficiency, you need to either go on the shots or the sublingual tabs. When you feel better depends on a lot of things. If you have been deficient a long time, some of the damage done may not be reversible. Otherwise, I would not expect much for at least a couple of months.

How do people in India get their daily recommendation of Vitamin B12?
Q. There is a lot of discussion and research on the 'net about vitamin B12 deficiency in Vegans. By far the majority of people in India are vegetarians. How are they able to get enough B12 in their diet?

A. B12 is found in all meat products including dairy & eggs. Indians eat a lot of dairy in the form of milk & yogurt & so will be able to get Vit. B12 from that. Also, the human body recycles it's Vit. B12 & so if you got absolutely no Vit. B12 in your diet, it would take about 12 years to get a Vit. B12 deficiency.

What are the cause's of the vitamin B12 deficiency?
Q. What are the causes of the vitamin B12 deficiency? Is the lake od sleep a cause of vitamin B (and B12) deficiency? Can someone give me some professional answer's?!

A. B12 is absorbed in the stomach. It requires a transport factor to get into the blood stream. This factor, called Intrinsic Factor , is manufacured by cells called Parietal cells in the stomach. In Pernicious Anemia, there are antibodies to the Parietal cells that shuts them down. No intrinsic factor, B12 not absorbed. Other causes are a strict vegetarian diet, Loss of that part of the stomach surgically, cancer of the stomach, chronic gastritis.

Cyanocobalamin is inert. It is the form the vitamin is excreted in, after binding with CN- ions. The active vitamin is hydroxocobalamin. The easiest way to replace B12 is to take Methylcobalamin sublingual. The sublingual route bypasses the gut, and Methylcobalamine is demethylated to hydroxocobolamin.

Lack of sleep does not cause a deficiency. a really bad diet can. Lack of sleep can cause other problems, tho, and you might consider talking with someone about your difficulty. If you are not a Medical Student or Resident, in the Military or in some other job that demands long hours, see someone.

anyone know symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency?
Q. i've been really tired lately and losing weight, i weigh around 99lbs. i used to weigh 125lbs. i get really shakey and need to carry food with me. i get out of breath.and my hair is getting so dry and thin. i've said something to my doctor about the weight and he said you look fine, but i don't think it's normal to lose weight for no reason and i just don't feel well and i look awful too. i know taking medicine for reflux can cause vitamin b12 deficiency and i take nexium for years.

A. Sudden unexplained weight loss should always be investigated to find out the cause, especially if you also feel tired and shaky. Your doctor will want to check you for diabetes, overactive thyroid gland, hidden infections, and other causes of weight loss. He or she will probably arrange blood tests and a chest x-ray. Don't put off going - the sooner the cause is found, the sooner you can be treated and on the way to recovery.

Sometimes weight loss can be a sign of a depressive illness, and your doctor will want to know how you are feeling emotionally. In the meantime, try to eat a healthy diet. It can help to keep a food diary for a few days to see exactly what you are eating. Healthy between-meal-snacks such as fruit, muesli, smoked salmon sandwiches, and cheese can help you put on weight. High-carb foods such as rice, pasta and bread are also a good idea. good luck

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