Friday, March 15, 2013

How do you know if you have a vitamin deficiency?

Q. I'm always tired, confused, anxious and depressed. I've taken prescription meds for this, but they only help a little. Because of this, I have very little motivation to exercise even though I know it might help. A friend of mine experienced similar symptoms, and found out that she had a serious vitamin deficiency. How do you get tested for this?

A. blood tests

What are symptoms of being folate anemic?
Q. I just found out I am folate anemic. Vitamin B deficiency. Are my symptoms normal? Pale skin, cold hands and feet, lost of taste, boney face and depression and mood swings. Also my doctor told me to take supplements including vitamin B12, B6 and multi vitamins and they give me a B shot every 2 weeks. So how long will I suffer these symptoms?


Does sudden yellow teeth indicate a particular vitamin deficiency?
Q. I've been an orange juice junkie my whole life, but I've been without it for a month now and just noticed my bottom teeth are definitely more yellow than before. I'm wondering if the two could be related. Is this a sign of a Vitamin C or some other vitamin deficiency?

A. This is from

says: The yellow color is probably a surface stain. It is certainly not from a nutritional or vitamin deficiency, nor is it a symptom of an illness.

What is the difference between gross deficiency and suboptimal levels of vitamins?
Q. This is about Animal Nutrition.
How do suboptimal vitamin levels symptoms differ from general deficiency symptoms?

A. suboptimal- still functioning, but not healthy
gross deficiency- death, severe disease

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