Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What vitamin's will help my skin look more alive and add some colour?

Q. My face skin is dull, and white. I do weight's everyday, and I'm going to start running and drinking more water. I use a scrub, and benzoyl peroxide for acne, but my face always looks dull and white, especially in pictures, but it never use to.

Can someone recommend a vitamin to help?

A. Your skin reflects not only the effect of your environment but also what s going on inside of your body. Well balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants is essential for radiant skin that look good and feels good.

Vitamins C, E, A, K, and B complex can all help improve skin health.

Vitamin C can prevent the consequences of prolonged sun exposure. Vitamin E has been noted to reduce photo damage, wrinkles and improve skin texture. Both help to reduce damage caused by free radicals, a harmful side effects of sun exposure, smoking and such. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and leafy greens. Vitamin E is in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, and asparagus; however most people take supplements as the amount they're getting from they diet is not suffcient.

Vitamin A plays major role in the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. Without it your skin can feel dry and flaky. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamin A.

The single most important B vitamin is biotin, a nutrient that forms the basis of skin, nail, and hair cells. Without adequate amounts, you may end up with dermatitis (an itchy, scaly skin reaction) or sometimes even hair loss.

Selenium plays a major role in skin cancer prevention.

Copper tgether with vitamin C and the mineral zinc helps to develop elastin which supports skin structure.

Zinc is especially important if you have acne. In fact, sometimes acne itself is a symptom of a zinc deficiency.

What ill effects do moon bears experience from bile harvesting?
Q. I am already aware that they are confined in tiny cages, given surgical stomas, left with insufficient food and infected wounds, and so on.
I am NOT planning to harvest bear bile.
I am interested in what conditions and problems can result from nutritional deficiencies resulting SPECIFICALLY from not having the use of a digestive fluid (bile) because it is being harvested.

A. Without any bile, they would not be able to absorb dietary fats effectively. They would not be getting as many nutrients from the food that they were eating. This could also cause a problem with absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. The vitamins that are most affected are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. So long-term, there would be bone health issues (which would probably occur even with adequate nutrition given the lack of weight-bearing exercise they can do in tiny cages). Lack of vitamin K can lead to clotting problems and bleeding.

Essentially, you have one half of the symptoms of cholestasis. In cholestasis, there is a blockage of the flow of bile into the intestines. The symptoms are from two separate causes: lack of bile in the intestines, and also the backup of bile in the body. In the bears, you only have the one problem, that of a lack of bile in the intestine. So if you consider the symptoms of cholestasis that are related to lack of bile in the intestine, it should be a fairly good picture of the effects.

What are the physical steps/symptoms of starvation in a place where you only have access to water?
Q. If a woman were marooned on a deserted island and her only resources were fresh water and sand, what would happen to her? What are the usual physical steps of starvation- fatigue, weight loss, loss of mental acuity, what else?

A. Individuals experiencing starvation lose substantial fat (a.k.a. adipose) and muscle mass as the body breaks down these tissues for energy. Catabolysis is the process (medical condition) of a body breaking down muscles and other tissues in order to keep vital systems�such as the nervous system and heart muscle (myocardium) �working. Catabolysis will not begin until there are no usable sources of energy coming into the body. Vitamin deficiency is also a common result of starvation, often resulting in anemia, beriberi, pellagra, and scurvy. These diseases collectively may cause diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and heart failure. Individuals are often irritable and lethargic as a result.

Atrophy (wasting away) of the stomach weakens the perception of hunger, since the perception is controlled by the percentage of the stomach that is empty. Victims of starvation are often too weak to sense thirst, and therefore become dehydrated.

All movements become painful due to atrophy of the muscles, and due to dry, cracked skin caused by severe dehydration. With a weakened body, diseases are commonplace. Fungi, for example, often grows under the esophagus, making swallowing unbearably painful.

The energy defiency inherent in starvation causes fatigue and renders the victim more apathetic over time. Interaction with one's surroundings diminishes as the starving person becomes too weak to move or even eat.

What would happen if I took all three dietary pills together?
Q. I want to know what would happen to my body if I took my Vitamin tablets, Omega 3 tablets and Super enzyme tablets together? Would it be extremely bad for my body due to hypervitaminosis or too much concentration?
Death is too far fetched but are there any other serious threats?
Thanks in advance

A. (Here�s the end of my answer...)

Vitamins (and minerals) are good for you but too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.

Death, being the toxicity symptom of excessive intake of vitamins usually only applies to iron and only when popping iron supplements or multi-vitamins containing iron, like they�re candies, by unsupervised kids who got access to vitamins that are not in child proof containers and mistook them for candies.
If you ask me, vitamins supplements containing iron should be in child proof containers. Other multi-vitamins pills should not contain iron. Nobody who�s eating a healthy diet needs iron supplements (one cup of beans or half a cup of prune juice would cover half of my daily need). I do not eat cereals but that would cover twice my daily need...just for breakfast!
Iron supplement should be separate and prescribed by a doctor, like for pregnant women (who would better hide their stash from their other kids).

Depending on which specific vitamins to which you�re referring, toxicity symptoms can give you annoying headaches (A, D), nausea and/or vomiting (A, Selenium, Zinc), heartburn, diarrhea (B5, C, Selenium), intestinal irritation (Selenium, Zinc), loss of appetite (A, D), joint pain (A), dry skin/hair + cracked lips (A), skin rash, vascular dilatation (= red face...Niacin), irritability (Selenium), fatigue/weakness (D, Selenium), numbness (B6), water retention (B5, Sodium), high blood pressure (Sodium), hair loss (A), weakened immune system (Zinc) and really more than annoying kidney stone (C, Calcium), ulcers (Niacin), liver damage (A, Niacin), congestive heart failure and cardiac arrest (Potassium)�and this is nothing compared to what they can do when combined with drugs and medicines.

Some high dose of vitamins are not that bad, like vitamin E (you need separate supplements to get some benefits as you would never be able to get enough from the food), but then it interferes with vitamin K (blood-clotting) so should only be prescribed by a doctor (even if you buy them OTC). Then do not be surprised if you don�t clot that fast when you cut yourself...and stop taking them 2 weeks before surgery.

ALWAYS have the complete list of all the vitamin supplements (+ meds and drugs) you take ON YOU AT ALL TIME, so if you get into an accident and end up in the hospital, they will know what medicine NOT to give you so some vitamin does not interfere with it in a way that you can see your story later on the TV show House, MD!

Just having a regular check up with your doctor, or because you�re sick and they will want to know exactly which vitamins you take and also exactly which dosage and when�as to not prescribe you the wrong medicine. You�ll have to fill out a form and don�t forget to list any vitamins you take or you won�t be able to sue them if you get a bad reaction from some drugs they gave you, because you did not list that particular vitamin you took.

You have a lot of huge, big hundreds of pages books, devoted to vitamins, herbs and drugs interaction, maybe buy one of those.

Every years, kids die because they overdosed on vitamin supplements that they found in the kitchen or in their baby sitter�s purse and they thought were candies (some are sugary coated and taste good). I have a calcium supplement (when I run out of milk) that is pink, sweet and tastes like a hard nice candy that lasts for a long time, yummy. Make sure your vitamins are 100% inaccessible from any kids in your house.

What are the toxicity symptoms of iron? Death!
Kids mostly die because they accidentally have access to illegal drugs that were not in child proof pharmaceutical containers (coke-head parents tend to kill their kids that way).
The problem is that people, who live a healthy life, do not think that vitamins containing iron can kill a child if s/he takes excessive intake, eating them like they were candies (unsupervised kids often get into shenanigans).

On the bright side, deficiency symptoms are worse than toxicity symptoms (except in the case of iron which causes death).
Deficiency symptoms cause night blindness, xerophthalmia, hyperkeratosis, depression, beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (mental confusion, amnesia, muscular incoordination), hypochondria, burning and itching of the eyes, sensitivity to light, infertility, anemia, epilepsy, dermatitis, anorexia, glossitis, scurvy, bruises, rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, impaired growth, damage to the brain and spinal cord, constipation, caries (lack of fluoride), mental retardation, enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter), abnormalities in heart rhythm, coma, pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea an dementia), bone loss and pain, drowsiness and irrational behavior, cardiomyopathy, muscular discomfort and cramps...

When you know all that, you just want to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

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