Friday, January 11, 2013

What is the best vitamins for a 23 yr old woman to take? I have a Vitamin D deficiency called Rickets?

Q. I have rickets (a vitamin D deficiency). I need a vitmain that can provide me with Vitamin C,D, potassium, calcium all other major essentials that a woman needs. Also, what about cod liver fish oil, is it any good at treating rickets or vitamin D deficiencies? What about carnation milk in the can is it good for calcium and bones?

A. If you have rickets, you should be under the care of a physician. Depending on your body weight, you should be taking a supplement around 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 every day. Generally, it's 1000 IU per 25 lbs of body weight.

Is there a possibility that taking Vitamin D 3 injections can delay the menstruation cycle? ?
Q. my sister is having calcium deficiency so she has been recommended to take vitamin D3 injections, and now her menstruation cycle has delayed.


What causes vitamin D and iron deficiency besides nutrition?
Q. My mom has vitamin D and iron deficiency and she doesn't know why. She eats adequate amounts of red meat and drinks lots of milk.

A. Menstruating females lose lots of iron in their monthly period. Other foods (sugar, corn syrup, refined carbs, etc.) can deplete & block nutrient absorption.

With the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency there are concerns that upper atmosphere pollution may be blocking the needed UVB light from the sun. The U.S. RDA are much too low.

Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin at all but a necessary hormone that effects the immune system & nearly every aspect of health. Having low Vitamin D levels greatly increases risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS (& maybe even FMS)

I don't think that FMS, cancer, MS, etc. is a vitamin deficiency but being deficient can create or greatly exacerbate health problems.

The prescription vitamin D supplements are the wrong type (ergocalciferol ). As warned by the National Institute of Health -

Luckily you can buy vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) over the counter and the upper limits are extremely high. Current recommendations are for 35iu per pound - a 150# person needs minimum of 5250iu per day & the rda is 400iu. This amount is for minimal needs and does not account for depleted stores. March is when stores are at their lowest.

I also highly recommend a low carb way of eating to allow the body to regenerate rather than degenerate.

Dr. Joe Prendergast, an endocrinologist /diabetologist has managed over 1500 diabetic patients and, in the last decade, not one of his patients has had a stroke or heart attack. Only one has even been hospitalized! His secret�50,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily. Dr. Joe further reports:

* Reversal of advanced coronary disease
* Reversal of advanced lung disease, avoiding a lung transplant!
* Cure of multiple sclerosis
* Cure of amotrophic lateral sclerosis
* Regression of rheumatoid arthritis
* Improvement in allergies
* Control of many cancers including prostate, breast, colon, brain tumors, leukemia, myeloma, etc
* Reversal of osteoporosis
* Prevention of influenza
* Cure of depression and many other mental disorders
* Hashimoto�s hyperthyroidism

In summary, the evidence for safety and remarkable efficacy of Vitamin D3 suggests that virtually ALL adults should probably take 50,000 units of D3 daily. This is certainly true for those with virtually any illness.

How long will it take for my vitamin D deficiency to get better?
Q. I was diagnosed as having a severe deficiency (9.7) and started taking prescription supplements. I was wondering how long it took others to start feeling less fatigued and achy once they got treatment. (My doctor is out of town so I have to wait to ask her.)

A. your doctor will do more blood work to see what the new level is. Be sure that you are taking vitamin D3 which is natural like from sunlight and if you only take 10,000 - 15,000 IU or so on prescription then you can get the same from dietary supplements OTC and save some money. Just tell your doctor

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