Thursday, January 17, 2013

What foods are a good source of vitamin K?

Q. I was told shadows under the eye could be a form of vitamin K deficiency, so I was wondering what foods are a good source of vitamin K? I already take a woman's multivitamin, but they just don't seem to be enough. Thank you for your answers and God bless.

A. Tabell 3. Gruppering av livsmedel efter innehåll av vitamin K1.
Hög halt
>100 �g/100g
Broccoli (110-290)
Brysselkål (220-290)
Dill (280)
Gråslök (190)
Grönkål (120-480)
Huvudsallat (100-160)
Majonnäs (140)
Persiljeblad (360-540)
Pumpafröolja (110)
Rapsolja (30-1 50)
Sojaolja (145-260)
Spenat (270-400)
Vattenkrasse (250)
Vitkål (100-150)

Purpurtång* (1385)

MÃ¥ttlig halt
20-100 �g/100g
Gröna bönor
Gröna ärter
Lever (nöt)

Konbu, kelp ** (66)

LÃ¥g halt
Bär (el sv vinbär)
Frukt (ej kiwi)
Kaffebröd, kakor m m
Mjöl, gryn
Nötter (ej pistasch)
Ost, Keso
Torkade bönor

*Porthyra sp.
**Laminaria sp. (brunalger: fingertång)
1 Grupperingen baseras på Livsmedelsverkets analyser och på litteraturdata i SLV-rapport
Vitamin K
Vitamin K är nödvändigt för blodets koagulering.

Hur mycket vitamin K behöver vi varje dag?
65 mikrogram, kvinnor
80 mikrogram, män
Rekommenderat dagsintag enligt Recommended Dietary Allowances,
Food and Nutrition Board, USA 1989.

Hur får vi i oss vitamin K?
Gröna bladgrönsaker är en mycket bra källa för vitamin K. Tillräckliga mängder bildas normalt av våra tarmbakterier.
Uppdaterad: 2007-02-13

sam food you can eat may englis is not so good you hav lot of k vitamin in de left tabell (>100 μg/100g) midel tabell (20-100 μg/100g)
and de rait tabell is loest (<20�μg/100g) μg=mikrogram
Bilaga 3. Swedish-English Glossary
Swedish term English term
Grönsaker och rotfrukter Vegetables
Avokado Avocado
Blomkål Cauliflower
Broccoli Broccoli
Brysselkål Brussels sprouts
Champinjoner Champignon
Gräslök Chive
Gröna bönor Green beans
Gröna ärter Peas
Grönkål Kale

Grönsaksblandning, fryst Vegetable mix, fozen
Gula ärter, torkade Peas, died
Gurka Cucumber
Huvudsallad Leaf lettuce
Isbergssallad American lettuce/Iceberg type
Kronärtskocka Artichoces
Limabönor, torkade Lima bean, dry
Linser, torkade Lentils, dry
Lök Onion, yellow
Majskorn Corn
Morot Carrot
Oliver svarta Olives, black
Paprika grön Pepper, green
Paprika röd Pepper, red
Persiljeblad Parsley
Potatis Potato
Purjolök Leek
Rädisor Radish
Rödbeta Beet
Rödkål Red cabbage
Salladskål eller kinesisk kål Chinese cabbage
Sojabönor torkade Soybeans
Sparris grön eller vit Asparagus
Spenat Spinach
Squash zucchini eller courgette Squash
Stjälkselleri eller blekselleri Celery
Surkål, konserv Sauerkraut, canned
Tomat Tomato
Tomatjuice konserv drickfärdig Tomato juice
Tomatketchup Tomato ketchup/Catsup
Vattenkrasse Watercress, raw
Vitkål Cabbage, white
Swedish term English term
Frukt och bär Fruits and berries
Ananas Pineapple
Ananas konserv Pineapple, canned
Ananasjuice Pineapple juice
Apelsin Orange
Apelsinjuice Orange juice
Aprikoser Apricot
Aprikoser konserv Apricot, canned
Banan Banana
Blåbär Blueberry/bilberry
Citron Lemon
Grapefrukt Grapefruit
Grapefruktjuice Grapefruit juice
Hallon Raspberry
Jordgubbar Strawberry
Katrinplommon Prune
Kiwi Kiwi fruit
Körsbär söta Cherry
Lingon Lingonberry
Nyponsoppa, pulver Rose hip soup powder
Persika Peach
Plommon Plum
Plommonjuice Plum juice
Päron Pear
Päron konserv Pear, canned
Russin Raisins, dried
Röda vinbär Red currant
Svarta vinbär Black currant
Tranbärsjuice Cranberry juice
Vattenmelon Water melon
Vindruvor Grapes
Vindruvsjuice Grape juice
�pple med skal Apple with peel
�ppeljuice Apple juice
Nötter och frön Dairy products
Jordnötter, rostade Peanuts, dry, roasted
Jordnötssmör Peanut butter
Nötter, blandade, ej jordnötter Mixed nuts, no peanuts, dry roasted
Pecannötter Peacan nuts
Pistachnötter Pistachio nut
Ost fett 28% Cheese, 28% fat
Sesamfrön Sesame seed, dry
Mejeriprodukter Dairy products
Bröstmjölk eller humanmjölk Human milk
Dessertost Desert cheese
Fil fett 3% Cultured milk, 3% fat
Glass Vanilla ice-cream
Gräddfil fett 12% Cultured cream, 12% fat
Helmjölkpulver Milk dried whole
Keso fett 4% Cottage cheese, 4% fat
Lättmjölk fett 0.5% Low-fat milk 0.5% fat
Lättyoghurt Low-fat yoghurt
Mjölk Milk
Mjölk kondenserad, konserv Evaporated milk, canned
Ost fett 28% Cheese, 28% fat
Smältost Processed cheese
Sorbet Sherbet
Grädde Cream
Yoghurt naturell fett 3% Yoghurt, plain, 3% fat
Swedish term English term
Kött, fisk och ägg Meat, fish and eggs
Fiskpinnar Fish sticks
Griskött Pork
Kalkon Turkey
Kalv Veal
Kyckling Chicken
Kycklinglever Chicken liver
Lamm Lamb
Leverpastej Liver patty
Nötkött Beef
Nötfärs Beef minced
Nötlever Beef liver
Regnbåge Rainbow trout
Renskav, fryst Reindeer meat, frozen
Sill inlagd Herrin

Which would most readily induce vitamin k deficiency?
Q. Anitoiotic therapy or presence of oxalic acid in food?

I know taking antibodies for a long time can lead to vitamin k deficiency, but the answer says "readily".
Almost threw me off. The correct answers would be "presence of oxalic acid in food" right? Cuz anitbodies over a period of time, but OA can prevent you from absorbing some minerals.

A. I don't think the presence of oxalic acid in food will readily induce a vitamin K deficiency because it is a fat-soluble vitamin. You have to deplete the stored vitamin K to induce the deficiency, be it by medications or removal of tissue where it is stored. Another thing is that vitamin K is not a mineral, so I don't think oxalic acid interferes with its absorption because, if I remember correctly, it works as a chelating agent for minerals like calcium and iron.

What causes a parakeet's nostrils to grow over and eventually close.?
Q. I was told it was a vitamin K deficiency. Is this true and is it treatable.
I work at a petstore and a parakeet there is going thru the same thing. My bird died (not because of this problem) but does anyone know what causes it for sure.

A. Only two things that affect the cere and nostrils ( M2MM has addressed beak issues not cere issues )...
Scaly face mites.........easily treatable with spot on ivermectin.
Hypertrophy of the Cere
This so-called "brown hypertrophy" may be likened to catarrh of a mucous surface and occurs in many types of chronic ill health. Apparently it is not caused by local infection, and ideally treatment consists of finding and treating the underlying cause. The cere should be treated also by picking away the heaped-up material and applying a little oily lotion, cod liver oil, Dettol or bland ointment. Below is a picture of a Budgie with hypertrophy of the cere.
The growth can sometimes be caused by mites or tumours.

Does a deficiency of vitamin K lead to Parasites and Candidiasis or is it vice versa?
Q. Does a lack of vitamin K create an environment favorable for parasites and candida, or is it the opposite. Do parasites and candida lead to a deficiency of Vitamin K?

A. From what Ann Louise Gittleman states in one of her books on detoxing, Vitamin K is produced in the small intestines. If one had a compromised intestinal flora due possibly to parasites and/or candida, then it makes sense that one would not be able to produce Vitamin K.

I've also read that the B Vitamins are responsible for producing strong stomach acid and a lack of adequate stomach acid can allow parasites, and bacteria to grow.

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