Thursday, January 17, 2013

What vitamin deficiency causes under eye bags?

Q. I'm only 18 and I have terrible bags under my eyes. I always look tired even if I've slept a full night. I didn't used to have this problem. What vitamins might I be lacking? What can I eat to make sure I have a greater intake of those vitamins?

Please help.

A. vitamin K or B12

Is a person with Vitamin K deficiency at a higher or lower risk for having a heart attack?

A. Research is starting to show that Vitamin K does more than play a role in blood clotting. It appears that it is important in determining where calcium is deposited. For instance woman who consume more vitamin K have a higher bone density and less calcification of the arteries. This indicates that Vitamin K may ensure calcium is deposited where it should be, in the bones rather than the arteries.
Experiments on rats have shown Vitamin K to not only prevent calcification of the arteries, but to actually reverse it. Considering calcium deposits in the arteries cause a huge reduction in the elasticity of the arteries, I would say that a Vitamin K deficiency increases the persons chance of having a heart attack, or stroke for that matter. Some researchers now believe that heart disease is actually a deficiency of Vitamin K, but more research needs to done on subject

Is there a type of blood test available to check for vitamin K deficiency?
Q. If so, what should I ask my Doc to order?

A. yes, a vitamin k level. seriously.

What food do we eat to get vitamin k?
Q. My family an I have been experiencing burning feet and I thing that it is a vitamine k deficiency. So what do we eat that has vitamin k in it?
Thanx for the help

A. Broccoli, spinach,lettuce,cabbage, and cheese have vitamin k in them.

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