Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What causes a parakeet's nostrils to grow over and eventually close.?

Q. I was told it was a vitamin K deficiency. Is this true and is it treatable.
I work at a petstore and a parakeet there is going thru the same thing. My bird died (not because of this problem) but does anyone know what causes it for sure.

A. Only two things that affect the cere and nostrils ( M2MM has addressed beak issues not cere issues )...
Scaly face mites.........easily treatable with spot on ivermectin.
Hypertrophy of the Cere
This so-called "brown hypertrophy" may be likened to catarrh of a mucous surface and occurs in many types of chronic ill health. Apparently it is not caused by local infection, and ideally treatment consists of finding and treating the underlying cause. The cere should be treated also by picking away the heaped-up material and applying a little oily lotion, cod liver oil, Dettol or bland ointment. Below is a picture of a Budgie with hypertrophy of the cere.
The growth can sometimes be caused by mites or tumours.

What vitamin is a person lacking if you bruise easily?
Q. I got this huge bruise under my bicep and it doesn't even seem like I hit it that hart but it is so big and so disgusting. Am I lacking a certain vitamin that can help me not bruise so easily?

A. Bruising easily does not mean that you have a serious health problem, especially if bruising is minimal or only shows up once in a while. Women bruise more easily than men, especially from minor injuries on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.

Older adults often bruise easily from minor injuries, especially injuries to the forearms, hands, legs, and feet. As a person ages, the skin becomes less flexible and thinner because there is less fat under the skin. The cushioning effect of the skin decreases as the fat under the skin decreases. These changes, along with skin damage from exposure to the sun, cause blood vessels to break easily. When blood vessels break, bruising occurs.

Occasionally easy bruising is a sign of a health problem and may be caused by:

A medication, such as aspirin, blood thinners (anticoagulants), or some antibiotics.
Infection that causes the buildup of toxin in the blood or tissues (sepsis).
A bleeding or clotting disorder, such as hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease, or thrombocytopenia.
Other diseases that affect clotting. Examples include:
Chronic inflammatory diseases, such as lupus.
Liver disease, such as cirrhosis.
Some types of cancer, such as Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, or multiple myeloma.
Inflammation of a blood vessel (vasculitis).
Malnutrition, such as deficiencies of vitamins B12, C, or K, or folic acid.
Bruises that do not go away within 4 weeks of an injury may mean that another problem is preventing healing or that the injury was worse than you suspected.

Call your health professional for an evaluation if you are concerned about how easily you bruise, or if bruises don't seem to be healing normally. Your health professional can evaluate the cause of your bruises and recommend treatment.
Bruising easily is rarely a sign of nutrient deficiency. Bruises are created when the tissue just under the skin gets injured, resulting in a buildup of blood that causes the skin to turn black and blue. Sometimes easy bruising runs in families. And women are more likely to bruise from a minor injury, especially on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. It is also common for older adults to bruise easily as capillaries age and the skin�s protective layers become thinner. Although uncommon, vitamin C deficiency can sometimes result in a heightened susceptibility to bruising.

Increased bruising may be a side effect of certain medications that thin the skin or interfere with the blood�s ability to clot, such as steroids, cortisone drugs, aspirin, or ibuprofen. It is also thought that some dietary supplements, including vitamin E, fish oil, ginger, garlic, and ginkgo�which can have similar effects on the blood and skin�may augment bruising. However, the health benefits of these medications and supplements are probably worth a little extra bruising, so consult with your health care practitioner before discontinuing them.

If you are concerned about how easily you bruise, try increasing your intake of the bioflavonoid compounds found in plant foods, such as citrus fruits and berries, which can potentially reduce bruising by strengthening capillary walls and the surrounding connective tissue. If bruises don�t seem to be healing normally, visit your health care practitioner to evaluate the cause and discuss treatment.

Can you donate a kidney and have protein S Dificincey?
Q. Last year my doctor said i may have protein s deficiency. Well now my aunt needs a kidney and i may be able to donate for her, but will the deficiency stop that?

A. It depends on a few different factors. Did something specific lead your doctor to tell you that you might have a Protein S deficiency? Did you have some sort of a blood clot or pulmonary embolism? Did your doctor actually run the tests to see if you really had the deficiency? Is there a family history?

See there are two types of Protein S deficiency-genetic and acquired. Genetic means you would have a family history of it because it is a dominant condition. Acquired protein S deficiency may come from treatment with a blood thinner called warfarin, treatment with sex hormones (estrogen in particular), pregnancy, liver disease, and Vitamin K deficiency because it is needed for Protein S activity/production.

Protein S deficiency usually leads people to get blood clots especially in their legs and lungs. However, if that deficiency is acquired and caused by warfarin or Vitamin K deficiency, this would make you be more likely to bleed.

It's hard to say depending on all these factors if you will be able to donate or not. Your doctors and hers will have to make that decision if you decide to go ahead with it. Generally this is something that can be managed. If it is acquired, it can likely be fixed before you even have surgery. If it is genetic they can take extra precautions while you go through the process to ensure that you don't get a blood clot.

How can I get rid of genetic dark circles around eyes?
Q. So I was doomed to have dark circles around my eyes. its genetic, everyone on my dad's side has them. Does anyone know a cure for them aside from laser treatments.

A. Common Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Thinning skin
The skin under the eyes is thin and delicate to begin with. As we age, skin and the fat pad under the eyes becomes thinner, causing blood vessels to become noticeable. This gives the appearance of dark circles. Sun damage can make it worse because it weakens skin.

Allergies and Hayfever
Dark circles under the eyes can be the result of allergies to airborne substances, such as pollen, dust, and pet dander, because people rub their itchy eyes. People with hayfever may notice them at the height of the season. Food allergies or sensitivities can also contribute to dark circles.

Dark circles under the eyes runs in families. They tend to be more noticeable in people with fair skin or deep-set eyes.

Fluid Retention
Blood vessels under the eyes can become dilated and engorged, which can contribute to dark circles. Excess dietary salt and smoking are common causes. Conditions that cause fluid retention (e.g. heart, thyroid, kidney, liver diseases) or medications that cause blood vessel dilation may be a factor. Your doctor should be aware of any symptoms you're experiencing.

Lack of sleep
A lack of sleep can make skin appear more pale, which allows blood vessels to be more visible through the skin, giving the appearance of bluish or dark circles.

Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia may cause a bluish tinge below the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes can be a sign of dehydration.
Remedies for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

There are some home remedies that may help to temporarily diminish the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, and prevent dark circles from worsening.

1. Be sure to drink enough water. Hydration Calculator: How much water do you need?

2. Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 under the eyes to prevent skin weakening caused by sun damage.

3. Get plenty of rest.

4. Apply plain cool teabags over closed eyes. Don�t use herbal teabags, because most aren't as effective.

5. Apply cool cucumber slices over closed eyes for 15 minutes.

6. Be careful not to consume too much dietary salt. Start by learning about sources of sodium in the diet.

7. Apply vitamin K cream. Although studies haven't looked at the use of topical vitamin K for dark circles under the eyes, preliminary studies have found that vitamin K may help with bruising.

8. Vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessel walls. Quiz: Are you getting enough vitamin C?

9. The dietary supplements grape seed extract and pycnogenol contain antioxidant pigments that may help to strengthen blood vessels. They should be used under medical supervision by people on "blood-thinning" drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) and aspirin.

Certain foods, such as cranberries, blueberries, bilberries, tea (green and black), black currant, onions, legumes, and parsley also contain these antioxidant pigments.

10. Eat kidney-balancing foods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a bluish cast under the eyes are due to an imbalance in kidney energy.

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