Friday, November 16, 2012

What is the cause for the symptoms I'm having?

Q. My aunt had a heart condition that was hereditary. I keep having these symptoms...

- stand up, get dizzy/black vision.
- shortness of breath just walking, standing, or doing normal things.
- heart palpitations, followed by hard heart beats
- constant headaches
- eye strain
- start shaking whenever I get nervous or upset
& I have a Vitamin D deficiency which can cause heart disease

I want to know what this sounds like to you.

A. It sounds like it could be anemia. I would have a blood test done.

Have you been checked for vitamin D deficiency for depression and other symptoms?
Q. Three Weeks ago I was put on 50,000mg of vitamin D weekly because my D level was extreme. I was so depressed that I couldn't get up. I also started taking cod liver oil (fish oil). It is miraculous. My depression is so much better. Have you had your D level checked?

A. YES, about 9 months ago my doctor did some blood work on me and found my vitamin D was hardly traceable. For a year or os i was having a hard time digesting food. WOW, what a difference,There is a lot of help on Yahoo health,go check it out .I did and learned a lot about vitamin D

I have vitamin d deficiency. How long till I am better and have no more side effects from taking vitamins?
Q. My symptoms are: pale skin, insomnia, fatigue, depression, weak bones, and circle under eyes. I take 1 tablet of 2000iu vitamin d tablets twice a day. My blood work was average 35-100 and i was a 14. Its been 2 days so far and no change besides a slightly better mood. How long of taking my vitamins will I begin to change completely and all symptoms will be gone?

A. It took you a long time to become vitamin D deficient - getting better will not be an overnite miracle.
When your doctor put you on the vitamin d pills/capsules - what did he tell you?
They usually tell you to take something daily until you come back again for your next checkup to see if there's any improvement. Then, he can determine what avenue you should take from there.
It all depends on how severe your deficiency is & your chemical makeup.

How do I know if have a vitamin D deficiency?
Q. I eat healthy, but I'm lactose intolerant and can't drink milk or eat most dairy products. Also, I don't spend much time in the sun because my skin is extremely pale and I burn almost instantly. Do I need to take a vitamin D supplement? I'm sure that I don't get enough vitamin D, although I don't have symptoms right now.

A. Your doctor can run tests for vitamin D as well. When getting a supplement, do get a good quality one and look for a D3 gelcap or pill instead of a D2 formulation. There are brands out there that list D3 in the ingredients list. Good luck.

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