Friday, November 23, 2012

56 year old man unable to lift up left leg. Also has Type Two Diabetes which is under control.?

Q. Unable to lift leg independently but can do so using his hands to lift it up. One doctor diagnosed it as "muscle Dystrophy" or said it might have something to do with degenerating nerves.
Any help on the diagnosis and remedy would be very much appreciated.

A. Muscle weakness has been associated with a vitamin D deficiency. Nerve degeneration is associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency.

"Researchers found that 40% of type 2 diabetes patients using metformin had vitamin B12 deficiency or were in the low-normal range for the essential vitamin. And 77% of metformin users with vitamin B12 deficiency also had peripheral neuropathy, a common form of nerve damage associated with type 2 diabetes."

"Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage most often characterized by pain, tingling, and numbness in the hands and feet."

"Because peripheral neuropathy is such a major complication of diabetes, researchers say the results suggest that people using metformin be screened for vitamin B12 deficiency or supplemented with vitamin B12. Also, anyone already diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy who uses metformin should be screened for vitamin B12 deficiency."

I used 30,000 mcg (30mg) per day methylcobalamin for ten days, then 10,000 mcg (10mg) per day. It took a couple of months, but all symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are gone.

"Poor muscle strength and weakness may be associated with vitamin D deficiency, which is common among elderly people".

What causes cramps all over in a man 65, hands,chest, stomock, legs? good health, no medicine, light work?

A. Provided there are no neurological or neurodegenerative causes such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, or spinal cord injury - extra calcium is usually the solution for muscle spasms or muscle cramps in many nocturnal cases. The extra requirements for calcium may be a result of high protein or phosphate levels (kidney disease, poor diet), hormonal diseases or imbalances, nutritional imbalances
(high Mg/Ca ratio, low pantothenic acid), celiac disease or other intestinal conditions that interfere with calcium absorption, prescribed medications that promote calcium loss, random self-supplementation of the wrong vitamins and minerals,
Consuming foods or beverages containing lactic acid is another acidifying strategy to reduce muscle cramps when working out, despite the buildup of lactic acid in muscle tissue during strenuous exercise being actually a common cause of muscle spasms or cramps. This happens from insufficient oxygen not being able to oxidize lactic acid, which would otherwise get rid of it from muscle. Inosine and
creatin supplements also help to reduce the buildup of lactic acid in muscle.
Vitamin E might be a good choice for its blood-thinning and
vasodilating properties. Gingko biloba also provides a blood-thinning effect and may be considered.
Sodium and/or potassium imbalances tend to become more of a problem during, or after physical activity, but less so during rest, so for exercise-induced leg cramps or muscle spasms, their addition in the form of a sports drink, or through extra Sodium / Potassium supplementation in tablet form may be a consideration. However, sufficient hydration (taking in enough fluid) is equally important before,during, and after a workout!
Since low calcium and/or low magnesium-induced muscle spasms or cramps go hand in hand with
disturbances of bone mineral metabolism, it may be worthwhile to consult a medical practitioner and be evaluated for other possible medical problems such as osteopenia or osteoporosis, whereby additional supplements such as Vitamin D, or other dietary adjustments may be indicated.

Those suffering from leg cramps that are due to insufficient potassium intake should be aware of - or at least use their symptoms as a warning sign - that ongoing low potassium levels increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and/or stroke.
Acute muscle spasms in the back are oftentimes triggered as a result of injuries, but chronic attacks
can also result from curvature of the spine (scoliosis), age-related degenerative disk disease, and/or
spinal alignment problems. Osteopathic / chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapy, muscle relaxants,
needle acupuncture, needle-less electro-acupuncture or electro therapy are common treatment options, depending on the type of medical system one is most comfortable with.
Nutritional imbalances, i.e. abnormal Mineral Ratios are also capable of affecting spinal alignment, or they can even lead to scoliosis over time (and subsequent muscle cramps and spasms), in which case drug therapy or frequent visits to a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or acupuncturist can become
frustrating, since the therapy won't last. However, once a nutritional balance is re-established, the spine
is less likely to go out of alignment and trigger muscle spasms, cramps, and/or other health problems.
There are some known medical conditions associated with myoclonus, including brain or spinal cord injury, Parkinson's disease, Tourette syndrome, multiple sclerosis, stroke, epilepsy, drug or chemical poisoning, organ damage, and others, however "sleep starts" is considered to be a type of 'Periodic Limb Movement Disorder' that as of yet lacks a specific medical cause or has a known relationship to a specific medical condition common cause of persistent muscle ache and cramps is mineral deficiency and/or dehydration. Minerals that may be deficient include potassium, sodium (as found in common salt), chlorine (as found in common salt), magnesium or calcium. Of course, over-exercise (or unaccustomed exercise) is a common cause of transient muscle pain and cramping.

what are the symptoms to osteoporosis?
Q. my doctor has also given me a blood test for a vitiman d defishensy so if at all possible I would like to know if this would be related to the symptoms for osteoporosis. Or would that be something totally another direction of health care?

A. Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bone density, and usually occurs in women around menopause age, but can also affect men. The insidious thing about this disease, is that it doesn't usually have symptoms in the beginning, and is generally not diagnosed until a bone density test is taken, which will show a thinning of the bones, making them vulnerable to fracture. Generally it affects the spine, hip and wrist bones. When the spine is involved, it can cause minute fractures, that are not felt, but results in the stooped posture and lack of height that older women experience.

Calcium intake is the common treatment for osteo, either with pills or dietary intake. However, the body does not absorb calcium very well unless it is taken with vitamin D. That's probably why your doctor is testing you for vitamin D deficiency. Along with calcium supplements, doctors also stress a diet rich in calcium, such as that found in dairy products, salmon, broccoli and other foods. There are other pills that are prescribed, such as Actonel and Fosamax, and you've probably seen ads for those on TV. Micalcin or its generic equivalent, Fortical are nasal sprays that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and bypass the digestive acids that render a lot of pills ineffective. Your doctor will no doubt prescribe treatment for your osteo when he or she gets your vitamin D levels in your blood.

Exercise is also essential for building strong bones, especially weight-bearing exercise, such as running or walking. Therefore, it's essential to stay active.

You may be wondering how I know so much about it. I am also being treated for osteoporosis discovered at my first bone scan. I was treated for two years with calcitonin, the ingredient in the nose spray I told you about, and when I had the second test, my bone density had increased seven points, which is considered excellent. People with stomach trouble like me, cannot tolerate Fosamax or Actonel. So I use the spray, take calcium with vit. D and magnesium, eat lots of dairy, and keep as active as possible. Good luck! Follow your doc's instructions and walk tall for a long time to come.

what happens to the liver tissue during Cirrhosis degeneration?


The symptoms an individual with cirrhosis of the liver experiences vary greatly depending upon the extent the disease has advanced. In its earliest stages, cirrhosis may not be accompanied by any symptoms at all, so that the disease is not diagnosed until significant damage has already occurred. Some of the initial signs of such damage include fibrosis of the tendons in the hands, red palms, reddish spotting of the upper body known as spider angiomata, and itching related to an accumulation of bile in the blood. Other symptoms that may occur with cirrhosis advanced to various stages are jaundice, fluid retention (especially in the abdomen and legs), vomiting of blood, frequent infections, confusion, and memory problems. Eventually the disease can lead to coma or death.

The liver, the largest organ in the body, is essential in keeping the body functioning properly. It removes or neutralizes poisons from the blood, produces immune agents to control infection, and removes germs and bacteria from the blood. It makes proteins that regulate blood clotting and produces bile to help absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. You cannot live without a functioning liver.

In cirrhosis of the liver, scar tissue replaces normal, healthy tissue, blocking the flow of blood through the organ and preventing it from working as it should. Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death by disease, killing about 26,000 people each year. Also, the cost of cirrhosis in terms of human suffering, hospital costs, and lost productivity is high.

Cirrhosis has many causes. In the United States, chronic alcoholism and hepatitis C are the most common ones.

Alcoholic liver disease. To many people, cirrhosis of the liver is synonymous with chronic alcoholism, but in fact, alcoholism is only one of the causes. Alcoholic cirrhosis usually develops after more than a decade of heavy drinking. The amount of alcohol that can injure the liver varies greatly from person to person. In women, as few as two to three drinks per day have been linked with cirrhosis and in men, as few as three to four drinks per day. Alcohol seems to injure the liver by blocking the normal metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Chronic hepatitis C. The hepatitis C virus ranks with alcohol as a major cause of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in the United States. Infection with this virus causes inflammation of and low grade damage to the liver that over several decades can lead to cirrhosis.

Chronic hepatitis B and D. The hepatitis B virus is probably the most common cause of cirrhosis worldwide, but it is less common in the United States and the Western world. Hepatitis B, like hepatitis C, causes liver inflammation and injury that over several decades can lead to cirrhosis. Hepatitis D is another virus that infects the liver, but only in people who already have hepatitis B.

Autoimmune hepatitis. This disease appears to be caused by the immune system attacking the liver and causing inflammation, damage, and eventually scarring and cirrhosis.

Inherited diseases. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, galactosemia, and glycogen storage diseases are among the inherited diseases that interfere with the way the liver produces, processes, and stores enzymes, proteins, metals, and other substances the body needs to function properly.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In NASH, fat builds up in the liver and eventually causes scar tissue. This type of hepatitis appears to be associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition, obesity, coronary artery disease, and treatment with corticosteroid medications.

Blocked bile ducts. When the ducts that carry bile out of the liver are blocked, bile backs up and damages liver tissue. In babies, blocked bile ducts are most commonly caused by biliary atresia, a disease in which the bile ducts are absent or injured. In adults, the most common cause is primary biliary cirrhosis, a disease in which the ducts become inflamed, blocked, and scarred. Secondary biliary cirrhosis can happen after gallbladder surgery if the ducts are inadvertently tied off or injured.

Drugs, toxins, and infections. Severe reactions to prescription drugs, prolonged exposure to environmental toxins, the parasitic infection schistosomiasis, and repeated bouts of heart failure with liver congestion can all lead to cirrhosis.

Many people with cirrhosis have no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. However, as scar tissue replaces healthy cells, liver function starts to fail and a person may experience the following symptoms:
loss of appetite
weight loss
abdominal pain
spider-like blood vessels (spider angiomas) that develop on the skin

As the disease progresses, complications may develop. In some people, these may be the first signs of the disease.

Complications of Cirrhosis
Loss of liver function affects the body in many ways. Following are the common problems, or complications, caused by cirrhosis:

Edema and ascites. When the liver loses its ability to make the protein albumin, water accumulates in the legs (edema) and abdomen (ascites).

Bruising and bleeding. When the liver slows or stops production of the proteins needed for blood clotting, a person will bruise or bleed easily. The palms of the hands may be reddish and blotchy with palmar erythema.

Jaundice. Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes that occurs when the diseased liver does not absorb enough bilirubin.

Itching. Bile products deposited in the skin may cause intense itching.

Gallstones. If cirrhosis prevents bile from reaching the gallbladder, gallstones may develop.

Toxins in the blood or brain. A damaged liver cannot remove toxins from the blood, causing them to accumulate in the blood and eventually the brain. There, toxins can dull mental functioning and cause personality changes, coma, and even death. Signs of the buildup of toxins in the brain include neglect of personal appearance, unresponsiveness, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, or changes in sleep habits.

Sensitivity to medication. Cirrhosis slows the liver's ability to filter medications from the blood. Because the liver does not remove drugs from the blood at the usual rate, they act longer than expected and build up in the body. This causes a person to be more sensitive to medications and their side effects.

Portal hypertension. Normally, blood from the intestines and spleen is carried to the liver through the portal vein. But cirrhosis slows the normal flow of blood through the portal vein, which increases the pressure inside it. This condition is called portal hypertension.

Varices. When blood flow through the portal vein slows, blood from the intestines and spleen backs up into blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus. These blood vessels may become enlarged because they are not meant to carry this much blood. The enlarged blood vessels, called varices, have thin walls and carry high pressure, and thus are more likely to burst. If they do burst, the result is a serious bleeding problem in the upper stomach or esophagus that requires immediate medical attention.

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin. This hormone, produced by the pancreas, enables blood glucose to be used as energy by the cells of the body. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. The pancreas tries to keep up with the demand for insulin by producing more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with the body's need for insulin, and type 2 diabetes develops as excess glucose builds up in the bloodstream.

Liver cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer commonly caused by cirrhosis, starts in the liver tissue itself. It has a high mortality rate.

Problems in other organs. Cirrhosis can cause immune system dysfunction, leading to infection. Fluid in the abdomen (ascites) may become infected with bacteria normally present in the intestines. Cirrhosis can also lead to impotence, kidney dysfunction and failure, and osteoporosis.

The doctor may diagnose cirrhosis on the basis of symptoms, laboratory tests, the medical history, and a physical examination. For example, during a physical examination, the doctor may notice that the liver feels harder or larger than usual and order blood tests that can show whether liver disease is present.

If looking at the liver is necessary to check for signs of disease, the doctor might order a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a scan of the liver using a radioisotope (a harmless radioactive substance that highlights the liver). Or the doctor might look at the liver using a laparoscope, an instrument that is inserted through the abdomen and relays pictures back to a computer screen.

A liver biopsy will confirm the diagnosis. For a biopsy, the doctor uses a needle to take a tiny sample of liver tissue, then examines it under the microscope for scarring or other signs of disease.

Liver damage from cirrhosis cannot be reversed, but treatment can stop or delay further progression and reduce complications. Treatment depends on the cause of cirrhosis and any complications a person is experiencing. For example, cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse is treated by abstaining from alcohol. Treatment for hepatitis-related cirrhosis involves medications used to treat the different types of hepatitis, such as interferon for viral hepatitis and corticosteroids for autoimmune hepatitis. Cirrhosis caused by Wilson disease, in which copper builds up in organs, is treated with medications to remove the copper. These are just a few examples�treatment for c

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