Sunday, December 9, 2012

Does Lysine supplements work for canker sores?

Q. I use lysine vitamin supplements for cold sores, but does it also work for canker sores? I have been getting canker sores very frequently and would love some recommendations on what helps speed the healing faster.

A. Canker sores are NOT contagious and can appear as a single pale or yellow ulcer with a red outer ring, or as a cluster of such lesions. The cause of canker sores is not entirely clear, but may be related to:

A virus
A temporary weakness in your immune system (for example, from cold or flu)
Hormonal changes
Mechanical irritation
Low levels of vitamin B12 or folate

They suggest this treatment:

For canker sores:

Rinse with salt water.
Apply a thin paste of baking soda and water.
Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 1 part water and apply this mixture to the lesions using a cotton swab

I agree with you on using the Lysine for cold sores but, you might try the above for canker sores. In addition, try adding some B12 & Folic Acid to your supplement list for a while & see if that helps.

Here's some further info on canker sore help:

When canker sores erupt, turn to one or more of the following supplements. First try lysine -- a deficiency in this amino acid has been associated with canker sores. Echinacea strengthens the immune system, and lower doses of this herb (200 mg each morning, three weeks a month) may also prevent cankers from forming. Another immune-booster, vitamin C helps heal the mouth's mucous membranes; flavonoids are natural compounds that enhance the effectiveness of this vitamin. Licorice (DGL) wafers coat and protect sores from irritants and help them heal. Goldenseal in liquid form applied directly to the sore also promotes healing. Instead of DGL or goldenseal, you may want to try zinc lozenges to speed healing and boost your resistance. People who get canker sores frequently may be deficient in B vitamins; a daily vitamin B complex is useful as a preventive.

Hope this info helps!

Have you ever taken allergy shots for eczema?
Q. I am allergic to: pollen, various trees, dust, mites, nuts and eggs. I have atopic eczema and seborrheic eczema. It was never a big deal, but this year it has flared up on my forehead and I hate it! Thats why I am considering starting an allergy shot treatment. Have you or anyone you know taken allergy shots for these allergies to fight eczema? Can you tell me about your experiences with allergy shots? Thanks a lot.

A. Hi Tesoro

Here is a herb remedy that will work.

1. Take 1-3 droppersful of Echinacea Plus Tincture (at or another qualified site) to strengthen the immune system.

2. Rub Garlic oil ALL over the affected area (Garlic will kill anything if you use enough of it)

3. Give 1-3 glasses of Activated Charcoal Slurry per day (to absorb the toxins out of the blood)

4. Mix equal parts of Aloe Vera Gel, Slippery Elm Powder and Activated Charcoal Powder together (absorbs the toxins externally)

5. Apply a thin layer of this mixture over the AFFECTED area(s).

6. Continue this treatment, until the desired Results are achieved.

This is healing at it's highest point.

Eczema is often called Dermatitis, and may be a symptom of an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Eczema can be due to allergies, allergies secondary to digestive disorders such as hydrochloric acid deficiency, rashes secondary to immune diseases, genetic metabolic disorders, and/or nutritional deficiencies, especially of niacin (vitamin B3) and B6, as well as other B vitamins.

To minimize your risk of developing eczema, avoid irritating substances, wear natural nonirritating materials, use soothing ointments, and check to see if dietary, nutritional, and/or and allergy-causing factors need to be considered.

Other ideas that will help:

Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations can help speed healing: black currant and red grapes; carrot, beet, spinach, cucumber, and parsley; and wheat grass juice.

Nutritional Supplementation: Vitamin A and GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), an omega-6 essential fatty acid found in high quantities in evening primrose oil, have both been shown to improve the symptoms of eczema. Vitamin E. Other useful supplements for preventing and reversing eczema include vitamin B complex, vitamin B6, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc.

Topical Treatment: Apply evening primrose oil directly to cracked and sore areas of the skin. A topical paste made from ginkgo and licorice root extract has also been shown to improve eczema symptoms.

Best of health to you

How many different B vitamins are there? And what do they do?
Q. What are some of the uses that the body has for the B vitamins?


Known also as vitamin-B complex, these are fragile, water-soluble substances, several of which are particularly important to carbohydrate metabolism.

A B1

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, a colourless, crystalline substance, acts as a catalyst in carbohydrate metabolism, enabling pyruvic acid to be metabolized and carbohydrates to release their energy. Thiamine also plays a role in the synthesis of nerve-regulating substances. Deficiency in thiamine causes beriberi, which is characterized by muscular weakness, swelling of the heart, and leg cramps and may, in severe cases, lead to heart failure and death. Many foods contain thiamine, but few supply it in concentrated amounts. Foods richest in thiamine are pork, organ meats (liver, heart, and kidney), brewer's yeast, lean meats, eggs, leafy green vegetables, whole or enriched cereals, wheat germ, berries, nuts, and legumes. Milling of cereal removes those portions of the grain richest in thiamine; consequently, white flour and polished white rice may be lacking in the vitamin. Widespread enrichment of flour and cereal products has largely eliminated the risk of thiamine deficiency, although it still occurs today in nutritionally deficient alcoholics.

B B2

Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, like thiamine, serves as a coenzyme�one that must combine with a portion of another enzyme to be effective�in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and, especially, respiratory proteins. It also serves in the maintenance of mucous membranes. Riboflavin deficiency may be complicated by a deficiency of other B vitamins; its symptoms, which are not as definite as those of a lack of thiamine, are skin lesions, especially around the nose and lips, and sensitivity to light. The best sources of riboflavin are liver, milk, meat, dark green vegetables, whole grain and enriched cereals, pasta, bread, and mushrooms.

C B3

Niacin, or vitamin B3, also works as a coenzyme in the release of energy from nutrients. A deficiency of niacin causes pellagra, the first symptom of which is a sunburnlike eruption that breaks out where the skin is exposed to sunlight. Later symptoms are a red and swollen tongue, diarrhoea, mental confusion, irritability, and, when the central nervous system is affected, depression and mental disturbances. The best sources of niacin are liver, poultry, meat, canned tuna and salmon, whole grain and enriched cereals, dried beans and peas, and nuts. The body also makes niacin from the amino acid tryptophan. Megadoses of niacin have been used experimentally in the treatment of schizophrenia, although no experimental proof has been produced to show its efficacy. In large amounts it reduces levels of cholesterol in the blood, and it has been used extensively in preventing and treating atherosclerosis. Large doses over long periods cause liver damage.

D B6

Pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is necessary for the absorption and metabolism of amino acids. It also plays roles in the use of fats in the body and in the formation of red blood cells. Pyridoxine deficiency is characterized by skin disorders, cracks at the mouth corners, smooth tongue, convulsions, dizziness, nausea, anaemia, and kidney stones. The best sources of pyridoxine are whole (but not enriched) grains, cereals, bread, liver, avocadoes, spinach, green beans, and bananas. Pyridoxine is needed in proportion to the amount of protein consumed.

E B12

Cobalamin, or vitamin B12, one of the most recently isolated vitamins, is necessary in minute amounts for the formation of nucleoproteins, proteins, and red blood cells, and for the functioning of the nervous system. Cobalamin deficiency is often due to the inability of the stomach to produce a glycoprotein (intrinsic factor), which aids in the absorption of this vitamin. Pernicious anaemia results, with its characteristic symptoms of ineffective production of red blood cells, faulty myelin (nerve-sheath) synthesis, and loss of epithelium (membrane lining) of the intestinal tract. Cobalamin is obtained only from animal sources�liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, and milk. Vegetarians are advised to take vitamin B12 supplements.

F Other B Vitamins

Folic acid, or folacin, is a coenzyme needed for forming body protein and haemoglobin; its deficiency in humans is rare. Folic acid is effective in the treatment of certain anaemias and sprue. Dietary sources are organ meats, leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and brewer's yeast. Folic acid is lost in foods stored at room temperature and during cooking. Unlike other water-soluble vitamins, folic acid is stored in the liver and need not be consumed daily.

Pantothenic acid, another B vitamin, plays a still-undefined role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It is abundant in many foods and is manufactured by intestinal bacteria as well.

Biotin, a B vitamin that is also synthesized by intestinal bacteria and widespread in foods, plays a r

Can anyone tell me what nutrient is missing in my diet?
Q. I've been told that when ever a person has ezcema and psoriasis and things like that,that there is some sort of nutrient deficiency in there diet.

I have dark, dry,and blotchy spots on some areas of the arms and some on legs caused from a mild case of ezcema.I've tried lotions ,vitamins,and even dietry supplements and still haven't found anything to target the problem.What could I be lacking in my diet that causes this? And what can help Clear this up.

I'm no interested in prescribed medication,which is a temporary fix.I would like to find a natural treatment.Thanks.

A. Well, vitamin D is good for your skin (sun)- as well as 400 IU of vitamin E. I had the same thing - seems like after I took a B-Complex vitamin - it helped an awful lot.... Many times when I get my bloodwork done - I research whenever anything registers high or low... on-line has a lot of information on bloodwork and what you may be lacking or getting too much of.. and much can be controlled by vitamins.

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