Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Night Blindness - Description, Causes and Treatment

Night Blindness

Most people develop night blindness to some degree at some point in their lives. How much it affects a person's life depends on the emotional state and age of said person. Some people develop a mild form of night blindness and can do their activities as usual, but they often can't see objects in the dark. Additionally, this condition might prevent certain persons from enjoying viewing the stars.

What Causes Night Blindness?

The causes of this condition are many and are often divided in two categories, treatable and non-treatable.

- Nearsightedness
- Cataracts
- Use and abuse of certain drugs
- Retina problems
- Vitamin A Deficiency

Unfortunately not all causes of night blindness can be treated.

- Birth defects (some people can't see well in the dark because of a birth defect).
- Retinitis pigmentosa

How to Cure Night Blindness

Unfortunately there doesn't exist a direct cure for night blindness. If you want to see better at night, you should visit a doctor, discover the cause of your night blindness, and find a solution.

There are some treatments available online for curing this condition, but I don't recommend any of them. What I do recommend is having a good diet full of fruits, vegetables and water. You can also do what the Romans did. Many Romans used to gase at the moon for 10-15 minutes every night in order to improve their night vision. This will help your night vision improve gradually. It's also an excellent way to relax after a long day.

Risks of Night Blindness

The main risk associated with this condition is having an accident at night. People who drive during the night and suffer from this condition can put many lives in jeopardy. Avoid any dangerous activities at night if you suffer from night blindness.

Although night blindness is not a sign of a serious medical condition, if you


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