Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hereditary dark circles..What is the best solution to reduce them for dark complected skin like mine?

Q. I am a man and I was born with dark circles and it has been ruining my life ever since I was born. I know men shouldn't worry about dark circles but mine are hereditary and very dark compared to the rest of my face and look just plain awful. I have light brown skin. My skin tone is a tad darker than Jennifer Lopez skin tone. My dark circles are on my eyelids all around to my under eyes. Dr Seckell in Massachusetts says he can do the The Arcus Marginalis Release with Fat Repositioning but I heard it results in hyperpigmentation in the face.. So I'd be a little worried about having that procedure done. I went to several cosmetologists and dermatologists and their reply is "Well you have dark complected skin and their is no cure to fix your kind of skin, your under eyes are too thin and it is natural discoloration of the skin". Then they prescribe me creams that simply wont work like the vitamin C serum with eye cream whitener or they tell me to use hydroquinone on the eye area, which is ineffective also. I know there isn't a cure for dark circles, which is surprising to me, with all the brilliant cosmetologists out there that cant seem to find a solution for people with darker skin to help fix their dark circle or any skin pigmentation problems for that matter but they can do miracles for people with white skin, maybe i should've been born white, to make it easier on them. If you ask me, white people already have perfect skin, what do they need fixing?. Anyway, I am currently using products from bobbi brown which is a hydrating cream, malt colored eye shadow for my dark circle eyelids and creamy concealer with the finishing powder for my under eye dark circles and it works good but Its a regimen I would have to use every morning after taking a bath until the day I die and these products come in such small sizes and last for less than 2 months and would cost me money every 2 months. I am trying to find a cream out there that can be very effective in reducing the dark circles on my eye lids and my under eyes, so I wouldn;t have to be depressed to look at my face and see my dark circles appear after the make-up has rubbed off during the night, Look, I am not going to fool myself, I know cosmetologists are too busy finding solutions for for people with lighter skin and ignoring people with darker skin tones but all I'm asking for is a cream that can at least minimize the appearance and a very good concealer and eye shadow to put on that treatment cream to minimize my dark circles on my lids and under eyes. Please help me.. because this is effecting my everyday life. I look so much better when these dark circles are covered and when they're not, i look completely horrible. So someone out there, just tell me what I should do about this.

A. The answer? No beauty products can do that. If you have concealer on, and you look sideways, you can still see those dark bags under the eyes or some calls it dark circles. Only in magazines they're airbrushed & TV, they look like they're NOT THERE.

Without wearing tons of make up, they can't just go away. Don't believe me? Google them and see their latest photos.
Jane Fonda had surgery done, admitted she hated surgeries, but that's ONE she actually had done.

You CAN try to sleep the same amount of hours everyday, and eat all the healthy foods from Mother Nature.

It's possible changing your sleep & diet can do miracles.
Sleep deprivation, chronic allergies and vitamin deficiency can cause undereye circles - so eat greens and be sure to get plenty of sleep!" Dr. Wendy Roberts, M.D., past president of Women's Dermatologic Society. Vera Wang is a billionaire, designing the best wedding gowns around in this part of town, Kim Kardashian's 3 wedding gowns are from Vera. Take a look @ her eyes, she's got one of the worst bags around, and with all that money and best beauty advisers, she can't get rid of her dark circles.

Even Julianne Hough (Rock of Ages - Dancing with the Stars) she's 23 btw, Oprah & Hilary Clinton who buys the best concealers money can buy can't cover theirs. Elizabeth Hendrickson as Chloe Mitchell Fisher on the Young & the Restless HAS them, too! No makeup can conceal hers.

Someone on YA! asked 'why does concealer/foundation never cover spots?
for me it always rubs off within an hour, any tips?'
My answer was: 'It's a billion dollar business. I was watching @ the mall yesterday a LIFE-SIZE video poster advertisement for a teen cover magazine called LUCKY, while waiting in line for H&M for 30 mins. This model was wearing makeup, but once she looked up, you could see 'bags under her eyes!' That's right, and I've posted many times here since 2009, NOTHING CAN COVER BAGS UNDER EYES (see above for my reply).'

You can get undereye filler: They cost an average of $600 - $1,000 every four to six months. If injections are too shallow, you can get bumps as well as a blue tint. The dermatologist will have to dissolve the filler with a second injection of hyaluronidase and start again.

FYI: The FDA have banned 23 more whitening products. Google it. About 17,600,000 results.
The reason cited for the proposed ban is that studies in rodents show "some evidence" that hydroquinone may act as a carcinogen or cancer-causing chemical, although its cancer-causing properties have yet to be proved in humans. Hydroquinone also has been linked with the medical condition known as ochronosis in which the skin becomes dark and thick. Dome-shaped yellowish spots and grayish-brown spots also are observed in ochronosis among black women and men in South Africa, Britain, and the U.S. Ochronosis has been observed in conjunction with hydroquinone use even in persons who have used hydroquinone-containing cosmetics for a short time. Some studies also report abnormal function of the adrenal glands and high levels of mercury in people who have used hydroquinone-containing cosmetics. For these reasons, hydroquinone has already been banned in Japan, the European Union, and Australia.

Any skin-lightening products containing hydroquinone would be considered new drugs, according to the proposed FDA regulations. The products would require FDA approval before being sold to the public and would only be available with a doctor's prescription. BB CREAMS included.

Hereditary dark circles..What is the best solution to reduce them for dark complected skin like mine?
Q. I am a man and I was born with dark circles and it has been ruining my life ever since I was born. I know men shouldn't worry about dark circles but mine are hereditary and very dark compared to the rest of my face and look just plain awful. I have light brown skin. My skin tone is a tad darker than Jennifer Lopez skin tone. My dark circles are on my eyelids all around to my under eyes. Dr Seckell in Massachusetts says he can do the The Arcus Marginalis Release with Fat Repositioning but I heard it results in hyperpigmentation in the face.. So I'd be a little worried about having that procedure done. I went to several cosmetologists and dermatologists and their reply is "Well you have dark complected skin and their is no cure to fix your kind of skin, your under eyes are too thin and it is natural discoloration of the skin". Then they prescribe me creams that simply wont work like the vitamin C serum with eye cream whitener or they tell me to use hydroquinone on the eye area, which is ineffective also. I know there isn't a cure for dark circles, which is surprising to me, with all the brilliant cosmetologists out there that cant seem to find a solution for people with darker skin to help fix their dark circle or any skin pigmentation problems for that matter but they can do miracles for people with white skin, maybe i should've been born white, to make it easier on them. If you ask me, white people already have perfect skin, what do they need fixing?. Anyway, I am currently using products from bobbi brown which is a hydrating cream, malt colored eye shadow for my dark circle eyelids and creamy concealer with the finishing powder for my under eye dark circles and it works good but Its a regimen I would have to use every morning after taking a bath until the day I die and these products come in such small sizes and last for less than 2 months and would cost me money every 2 months. I am trying to find a cream out there that can be very effective in reducing the dark circles on my eye lids and my under eyes, so I wouldn;t have to be depressed to look at my face and see my dark circles appear after the make-up has rubbed off during the night, Look, I am not going to fool myself, I know cosmetologists are too busy finding solutions for for people with lighter skin and ignoring people with darker skin tones but all I'm asking for is a cream that can at least minimize the appearance and a very good concealer and eye shadow to put on that treatment cream to minimize my dark circles on my lids and under eyes. Please help me.. because this is effecting my everyday life. I look so much better when these dark circles are covered and when they're not, i look completely horrible. So someone out there, just tell me what I should do about this.

A. You went to see a dermatologist, but you don't believe them? Do you believe me?

The answer? No beauty products can do that. If you have concealer on, and you look sideways, you can still see those dark bags under the eyes or some calls it dark circles. Only in magazines they're airbrushed & TV, they look like they're NOT THERE.

Without wearing tons of make up, they can't just go away. Don't believe me? Google them and see their latest photos.
Jane Fonda had surgery done, admitted she hated surgeries, but that's ONE she actually had done.

You CAN try to sleep the same amount of hours everyday, and eat all the healthy foods from Mother Nature.

It's possible changing your sleep & diet can do miracles.
Sleep deprivation, chronic allergies and vitamin deficiency can cause undereye circles - so eat greens and be sure to get plenty of sleep!" Dr. Wendy Roberts, M.D., past president of Women's Dermatologic Society. Vera Wang is a billionaire, designing the best wedding gowns around in this part of town, Kim Kardashian's 3 wedding gowns are from Vera. Take a look @ her eyes, she's got one of the worst bags around, and with all that money and best beauty advisers, she can't get rid of her dark circles.

Even Julianne Hough (Rock of Ages - Dancing with the Stars) she's 23 btw, Oprah & Hilary Clinton who buys the best concealers money can buy can't cover theirs. Elizabeth Hendrickson as Chloe Mitchell Fisher on the Young & the Restless HAS them, too! No makeup can conceal hers.

Someone on YA! asked 'why does concealer/foundation never cover spots?
for me it always rubs off within an hour, any tips?'
My answer was: 'It's a billion dollar business. I was watching @ the mall yesterday a LIFE-SIZE video poster advertisement for a teen cover magazine called LUCKY, while waiting in line for H&M for 30 mins. This model was wearing makeup, but once she looked up, you could see 'bags under her eyes!' That's right, and I've posted many times here since 2009, NOTHING CAN COVER BAGS UNDER EYES (see above for my reply).'

You can get undereye filler: They cost an average of $600 - $1,000 every four to six months. If injections are too shallow, you can get bumps as well as a blue tint. The dermatologist will have to dissolve the filler with a second injection of hyaluronidase and start again.

How to increase height more faster before 18?
Q. I am 16.. i want to be at least height at 168 cm.. Does taking vitamin c with zinc and niacin/multivitamin supplements will help my height is increasing ? i gain 1.5 cm in my height this week and measure my height on evening.
my height is 148.5 cm now..

A. There are numbers of reasons why a person is not tall, and most of them do not
have any effective treatment.
Probably the commonest cause is genetic, that is to say that one or
both your parents are below average height, or that short stature runs
in your family. There is really nothing that can be done about this.
The other cause that most people know about is a deficiency of growth
hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland situated at the base
of the brain. If a deficiency of this hormone is discovered early
enough in life, it is sometimes possible to give treatment with
injections of growth hormone to increase height. However, by the time
you get to 17 years of age, your bones may not respond to the effect
of the hormone. The only way to find out if you have this condition is
to discuss it with your doctor. Blood tests an X-rays to see how your
bones are growing can usually make the diagnosis, but for treatment
you would need referral to a specialist. These investigations should
also show if there is any other cause for your short stature.
But you should not think that it will definitely help you. Medical
science can not make you the way you want to be - and it is true not
only for height - so it's better to accept yourself as you are. Tall
people are not necessary happier than short people - look at the
tallest man in Ukraine, who was stripped of his title, lives alone
with his mother, and has constant legs pain!
The exercises they advertise on-line may increase your height
temporarily for 0,5 - 1 cm, it's hardly noticeable and does not worth
the trouble: your height varies during the day on its own.
Very occasionally, surgeons will try an operation to lengthen the
bones in the legs. This is very difficult, and takes many months or
even years, and a series of operations. It is a dreadful operation,
and I mentioned it only because you may have heard of it. Never
consider mutilating yourself for a miserable increase in height, and
be happy as you are.

How do you treat your psoriasis?
Q. I have tried OTC treatments, and i can't afford to do the RX stuff. Any suggestions for me? I am young, (16+) but my skin is so sensitive. So anything that i can do has to be very gentle with my skin. Thanks
I have severe psoriasis on my right ankle and one spot on my left leg about as big as a half dollar. Mine never seems to diminish and it stays cracked and really bad all the time.

A. Hi Kacey

Here are some ideas on how to heal the issue.

Psoriasis is metabolic in nature and can be triggered by environmental or stressful conditions, poor diet, flu-like conditions, the administration of penicillin, and nutritional deficiencies. Patients with psoriasis are also a higher risk of rheumatoid diseases.

Psoriasis can be caused by food allergies, essential fatty acid deficiencies, low digestive enzyme and hydrochloric acid levels, vitamin B complex deficiencies, emotional stress, illness, drugs (such as beta-blockers, lithium, and chloroquine), poison ivy or oak, skin damage, and several infections, bacterial or viral in origin.


Natural Cures

Aromatherapy: The following essential oils are recommended: bergamot (to help heal skin plaques), lavender (to reduce excessive itching), melissa (for irritated skin), jasmine (for dry sensitive skin), geranium (for dry irritating skin), and sandalwood mysore (for dehydrated, inflamed, and sensitive skin).

Diet: Screen for and eliminate all foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. Eat a varied diet of organic, whole foods, rotating foods as much as possible. Eliminate wheat and wheat products for 1-3 months. Consume seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, and each day, on a rotating basis, take one tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil, and be sure to drink plenty of pure, filtered water. Organic beef, venison, poultry, garlic, onions, parsley, organic plain yogurt, and sauerkraut are also recommended.

Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream® applied topically can soothe symptoms.

Herbs: Combine equal parts of burdock, sarsaparilla, and cleavers tinctures and take one teaspoon three times a day. Silymarin (milk thistle) is also helpful for psoriasis due to its positive effects on liver function.

Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies include Psorinum, Sulfur, Graphites, Cuprum met., and Arsen alb.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations can be helpful: apple and carrot; beet, cucumber, and grape; and beet, carrot, burdock, yellowdock and garlic.

Lifestyle: Mild cases of psoriasis may be helped by daily exposure to sunlight. Frequent exercise is also recommended.

Nutritional Supplementation: The following nutrients can be helpful: evening primrose oil, omega-3 essential fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B Complex, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, folic acid, lecithin, zinc, and a multimineral supplement. Taking hydrochloric acid (HCL) with each meal can also be of use.

In Europe fumaric acid treatment in the form of fumaric acid tablets, ointment, lotion, and scalp lotions is widely used to reverse symptoms of psoriasis

Topical Treatment: Apply seawater to the affected skin several times daily. Linseed or avocado oil, aloe vera gel, and/or capsaicin cream applied topically can reduce the scaling, thickness, redness, and itching.

Best of health to you

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